Available 24/7 for international and medical flights


The commercial airline medical stretcher offered by Ashoka Rescue provides a vital solution for patients requiring medical transportation. This service enables patients to fly on commercial airlines while remaining on a stretcher throughout their journey. Major airlines often offer this option on select flights, essentially providing a commercial stretcher. Our stretcher fitting involves meticulous preparation by our team in collaboration with airport operations staff. 

The process of Commercial stretcher typically involves removing rows of seats to accommodate the stretcher and ensure there is ample room for both medical equipment and personnel. Once the stretcher is securely positioned, our experienced medical transport assistants and nurses carefully transfer the patient onto it. During this process, we ensure that all necessary medical equipment, including vital monitoring devices, IV lines, and oxygen tanks, are securely positioned and readily accessible. Throughout the flight, our dedicated medical team provides continuous monitoring, care, and support to the patient. They work closely with airline staff to coordinate any additional requirements, always ensuring the patient's comfort and well-being.


These services are crucial for individuals who require specialized transportation due to their medical condition and may not be able to use conventional means of transportation like ambulances or regular vehicles.

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If you are looking for an affordable option for your medical transportation then a commercial stretcher is the best option as it is much more affordable and convenient for most patients. Contact us if you are looking for a commercial stretcher pricing to go anywhere around the world including to and from India.

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Providing Emergency Medical Transportation Via Aircraft For Critically Ill Or Injured Patients.

  • Transportation Option

    This transport option is convenient for most stable patients planning to travel anywhere around the world or to another hospital.

  • Medical Staff

    Medical personnel onboard such as emergency medical technicians (emts), paramedics, or nurses to provide medical assistance during transport.

  • Equipment

    Stretcher service typically uses official stretcher design for safe and convenient transport, supported with all nessasary medical equipment and medication on board.

  • Cost and Insurance

    Some services may be covered by insurance or medical assistance programs, while others may require out-of-pocket payment, therefore commercial stretchers are the most affordable options for long distance medical transportations.